Advanced Acne Vulgaris Treatments At Nirunda Clinic

*Recovery times / Results May Vary

In Bangkok, many individuals seek treatment for acne vulgaris, a dermatological condition that plagues people across the globe. This common skin issue most frequently arises during puberty, a period in which hormones like estrogen stimulate oil glands in both men and women. While sebum - the natural oil our skin produces - has essential protective and lubricating properties, excessive secretion can instigate problematic breakouts. When sebum accumulates and clogs pores, it cultivates an environment ripe for bacterial growth. While these bacteria are usually harmless residents on our skin, excessive sebum enables them to proliferate, causing acne.

However, with modern technology at our fingertips, a myriad of tailored acne treatment options are now available in Bangkok and across Thailand. Depending on the severity of your acne condition, these might include sensitive skin treatments, acne extraction, hormonal treatments, Roaccutane treatment, cortisone injections, laser procedures, and acne scar removal treatments.

Causes of Acne Vulgaris

Bacteria in the skin is a cause of acne.

Hormonal Fluctuations

One of the principal instigators of acne vulgaris is hormonal imbalance. Specifically, androgens like testosterone can stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce an overabundance of sebum. These hormonal surges are particularly common during puberty, menstruation, and pregnancy, which accounts for the high rates of acne during these life stages.


Genetic Predisposition

Genetics also play a significant role in the onset of acne vulgaris. If your parents or siblings have contended with acne, you are more likely to encounter similar dermatological challenges. Genetic factors can influence the size of the sebaceous glands, the skin's response to hormonal shifts, and even the body's inflammatory responses - all crucial elements in acne formation.


Diet and Lifestyle

Dietary choices, especially the intake of high-glycemic index foods like sugary treats and processed goods, can exacerbate acne vulgaris. Such foods lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar, subsequently causing insulin levels to rise. Elevated insulin can contribute to increased sebum production, thereby worsening acne. Lifestyle elements, including inadequate sleep and chronic stress, can also aggravate acne through hormonal imbalances and inflammation.


Environmental Factors

Environmental elements can also contribute to acne vulgaris. Prolonged exposure to excessive humidity or pollutants can block pores, while occlusive skincare products can trap sebum and bacteria. Moreover, certain medications, such as corticosteroids and antiepileptic drugs, are known to induce acne as a side effect.


Understanding Types Of Acne

There are several types of acne.

For comprehensive treatment, it is important to first understand and recognize the two main categories of acne - non-inflammatory and inflammatory.

Non-inflammatory acne, composed mainly of blackheads and whiteheads, lacks the redness and swelling commonly associated with its inflammatory counterpart. On the other hand, inflammatory acne includes conditions like papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts, which are often red, swollen, and painful.


Non-inflammatory Acne

  • Blackheads (open comedones): Blackheads occur when a pore is clogged by a combination of sebum and dead skin cells. The top of the pore stays open despite the rest of it being clogged. This results in the characteristic black color seen on the surface.
  • Whiteheads (closed comedones): Whiteheads also form when a pore gets clogged by sebum and dead skin cells. But unlike with blackheads, the top of the pore also closes up. It looks like a small bump protruding from the skin. Whiteheads are more difficult to treat because the pores are already closed.

Inflammatory Acne

Pimples that are red and swollen are referred to as inflammatory acne. Although sebum and dead skin cells contribute to inflammatory acne, bacteria can also play a role in clogging up pores. Bacteria can cause an infection deep beneath the skin’s surface. This may result in painful acne spots that are hard to get rid of.

  • Papules: Papules occur when the walls surrounding your pores break down from severe inflammation. This results in hard, clogged pores that are tender to the touch. The skin around these pores is usually pink.
  • Pustules: Pustules can also form when the walls around your pores break down. Unlike papules, pustules are filled with pus. These bumps come out from the skin and are usually red in color. They often have yellow or white heads on top.
  • Nodules: Nodules occur when clogged, swollen pores endure further irritation and grow larger. Unlike pustules and papules, nodules are deeper underneath the skin. Because nodules are so deep within the skin, you can’t typically treat them at home. Prescription medication is necessary to help clear these up.
  • Cysts: Cysts can develop when pores are clogged by a combination of bacteria, sebum, and dead skin cells. The clogs occur deep within the skin and are further below the surface than nodules. These large red or white bumps are often painful to the touch. Cysts are the largest form of acne, and their formation usually results from a severe infection. This type of acne is also the most likely to scar.

Acne Vulgaris Treatment in Bangkok

There is professional acne treatment in Bangkok.


Anyone can get acne vulgaris, as acne is also known, but the severity depends on a variety of internal and external factors. Since acne is so common, many people are not sure when they should seek treatment at a clinic. The best answer we can give is to seek treatment when your acne is uncontrollable or causes mental distress that disrupts personal activities. If you experience extreme acne it may be time to seek professional acne extraction or laser treatment services. Bangkok residents can visit Nirunda Clinic for a variety of acne treatments provided by board-certified dermatologists, including:

  1. Medicine and topical cream prescribed by our dermatologist.
  2. Acne injections – this approach uses cortisone to make inflammatory pimples and cysts flatten out faster.
  3. Acne laser treatments – ISOLAZ and Lux-V lasers are considered one of the safest and most effective ways to cure acne.
  4. Chemical peels – this is an optional treatment that helps boost the end result of other treatments, so dermatologists usually recommend it paired with other treatments.
  5. Blue light therapy – this helps reduce the appearance of inflamed acne by killing the bacteria causing the irritation.

Understanding the severity of your acne is crucial, especially when it becomes unmanageable or causes emotional distress that disrupts your daily life. If you're in Bangkok and seeking advanced, state-of-the-art acne treatment, consider consulting our board-certified dermatologists at Nirunda Clinic. For those grappling with severe acne, options such as professional acne extraction or laser treatment may be particularly beneficial.


Our treatment options include:

  • Prescription medications and topical creams tailored to your skin type.
  • Cortisone-based acne injections designed to quickly flatten inflammatory pimples and cysts.
  • State-of-the-art acne laser treatments, including ISOLAZ and Lux-V lasers, which are recognized as some of the safest and most effective methods for acne eradication.
  • Chemical peels, often recommended in conjunction with other treatments to enhance overall results.
  • Blue light therapy to minimize inflammation and kill the bacteria responsible for acne-related irritation.


Acne Laser Treatment

Acne laser treatment focuses laser light on the top layers of skin to break down scar tissue and provide a smoother appearance to your skin. The light also stimulates the growth of healthy skin cells to replace the scar tissue.

There are different acne laser treatments available at our clinic in Bangkok. Our specialists will be able to recommend which one is right for you. There are a couple of options:

  • A collagen remodeling acne laser treatment improves the functioning capabilities of the skin by penetrating its sebaceous layer. This stimulates collagen production and helps to reduce the depth of the acne blemishes.
  • Low level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is more suitable for those with inflammatory acne. The blue-light rays help destroy bacteria, while the red-light rays help heal wounds, improve skin cell function, and stimulate the growth of collagen.

Acne laser treatment doesn’t completely remove acne scars, but it can make them less visible and can also minimize any pain caused by them.

People with darker skin tones, very wrinkled skin, or active acne may not be good candidates for acne laser treatment. It is important to consult our specialists to understand the treatments available for you at our clinic.


Acne Extraction Treatment

If cystic acne becomes too painful and interferes with your daily life, our clinic in Bangkok also offers a procedure called acne extraction treatment to provide relief.

Acne extraction is a medical procedure that clears the pores of the comedones that have formed in the skin with the help of sterile tools. The extraction helps the acne heal faster and helps prevent new breakouts from forming. In some cases where a comedone has caused a pustule or papule to form, removing the plug reduces the size of the bump on your skin and helps reduce the skin inflammation.

Our specialists employ magnification during acne extraction to clearly visualize and thoroughly clean clogged pores. Pre-treatment solutions may be used to ease the extraction, reducing the risk of bruising. This procedure not only treats active breakouts but also serves as a preventive measure. When combined with our other treatments, it accelerates improvement in affected areas.


Acne Cortisone Injection Treatments

Nirunda Clinic in Bangkok offers cortisone injection treatments that can lessen the swelling, inflammation, and pain of cystic acne. Cystic acne occurs when a combination of oil, bacteria and dead skin cells gets trapped in your pores.

The treatment consists of a diluted corticosteroid, which is injected directly into the swollen acne nodules. It can be very effective at shrinking the nodules and providing pain relief.

Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory drugs that mimic the body’s natural cortisol, produced by the adrenal glands. Some of the more common corticosteroids include:

  • Cortisone
  • Prednisone
  • Methylprednisolone

Corticosteroids reduce the activity of the immune system and decrease apparent inflammation, a by-product of the body reacting and fighting bacteria and foreign substances in the skin.


Roaccutane Treatments for Acne

Roaccutane acne treatments, the brand name of Isotretinoin capsules, are also available at our clinic in Bangkok. This can be an effective treatment for very severe cases of acne. However, taking the capsules can have serious side effects, and our doctors will have to judge whether Roaccutane is the right treatment for you.
You’ll undergo a blood test before you start the treatment and have regular appointments at our clinic during your treatment to check for any side effects.
The treatment will start to work after a week to 10 days, and your skin may get worse before improvement is seen.


Acne Scar Treatment

Our clinic in Bangkok also offers effective acne scar removal treatments, including Intense Pulsed Light therapy together with Radiofrequency, and subcision scar removal treatments. These treatments can effectively remove the black and red colored scars, spots, and blemishes from your skin.

Our IPL and RF treatment works in two ways. The IPL causes the scarred skin color to lighten, while the RF stimulates the growth of collagen in the underlying skin.

Our subcision scar removal treatment involves inserting a small needle into the skin directly under the scar. A dermatologist uses the needle to break the fibers that connect the scar tissue to the underlying skin. The scar tissue can then be lifted off of the surrounding tissue. The use of the hypodermic needle also stimulates the growth of collagen in the surrounding skin, which provides further healing benefits.


Preventing Acne

You can avoid bad breakouts and recurring cases of acne by looking after your skin and living a healthy lifestyle. Reducing your consumption of sugar, flour, milk, salty food, sweets, and deep-fried food can help improve your skin.

Being more careful of the creams you apply to your skin and the drugs you take can help ease acne inflammations. Avoid taking any drugs containing steroids as they can induce acne and lead to increased pore blockages. Avoid using sunscreens and moisturizers when you’re experiencing acne inflammation. Sunscreens with a high SPF factor are more likely to block your pores. The use of steroids in drugs and creams you apply to your skin can also cause acne breakouts.

Try to avoid squeezing and picking whiteheads and blackheads. Your fingers can introduce more bacteria to the affected areas. Picking blemishes also leads to atrophic scarring.

To learn more about acne prevention and the variety of acne treatments available at Nirunda Clinic in Bangkok, make an appointment with one of our skilled specialists today.


1When should I see a doctor for acne treatment?
While mild forms of acne can often be managed with over-the-counter products, it's advisable to see our dermatologists if your acne is severe, persistent, or if over-the-counter treatments aren't effective. Also, consult a doctor if acne is causing emotional distress, affecting your quality of life, or leaving scars.
2What types of acne treatments are available?
Treatment options for acne are varied and can be tailored to suit your specific condition. Over-the-counter treatments typically include creams or gels containing ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Prescription options may involve topical or oral antibiotics, retinoids, and hormonal therapies for certain cases. More advanced treatments like chemical peels, laser therapy, and even surgical procedures like acne extraction can also be considered depending on the severity and type of acne you have.
3What are the benefits of acne extraction?
Acne extraction is a procedure where a trained dermatologist or skin care professional manually removes blackheads and whiteheads. One of the main benefits of this method is that it can provide immediate relief from inflamed acne lesions, helping to reduce the risk of infection and promote faster healing. This procedure can also minimize the chance of scarring and pigmentation issues if done professionally.
4How long does it take to see results after acne treatment?
The time frame for seeing results can vary widely depending on the type of treatment and the severity of your acne. Some topical treatments might show improvements within a few days, while oral medications may require weeks to months for visible changes. More advanced treatments like chemical peels or laser therapy may require multiple sessions and a longer healing period. It's essential to have realistic expectations and consult your healthcare provider for a timeline tailored to your specific condition.
5How can I prevent acne after treatment?
Maintaining a consistent and gentle skincare routine is crucial for preventing acne recurrence. Wash your face with a mild cleanser, use non-comedogenic moisturizers, and apply sunscreen daily. Avoid harsh skincare products that can irritate the skin, and steer clear of excessive scrubbing or picking at your face. Along with skincare, lifestyle factors such as a balanced diet, adequate hydration, and stress management can also help in long-term acne prevention. For personalized advice, consult us at Nirunda Clinic to determine the best preventive measures for you.
6What will a doctor do for acne?
At Nirunda Clinic, our approach to acne treatment in Bangkok is both holistic and personalized. Our experts often recommend a combination of treatments for mild to moderate or moderate to severe acne vulgaris cases. This may include topical solutions, antibiotic tablets paired with topical therapies, and, for women, possibly hormonal therapies or oral contraceptive pills. Our ultimate goal is to treat your acne to restore your skin's health and prevent future breakouts.
7How do I know if my acne is bacterial or hormonal?
Identifying the type of acne is crucial for effective treatment. Bacterial acne often affects the forehead, nose, and cheeks and is characterized by widespread inflammation. In contrast, hormonal acne typically targets the chin, jawline, and lower face, flaring up according to menstrual cycles or hormonal changes. During your consultation at our acne treatment clinic, our dermatologists will assess your acne's pattern and triggers to determine its nature and tailor your treatment plan accordingly.
8What are the risks and side effects of acne extraction?
Acne extraction, a process where clogged pores are manually cleared, can sometimes lead to side effects such as redness, swelling, and bruising. If not done correctly, it can also lead to scarring or infection. These risks highlight the importance of seeking treatment from skilled professionals at reputable acne clinics. When performed by a board-certified dermatologist or a trained skincare professional, acne extraction can be a safe and effective method to clear certain types of acne. Professionals use sterile tools and follow strict hygiene protocols to minimize risks, making it a safe option for many patients.
9How do I take care of my skin after acne extraction?
For immediate relief from clogged pores and stubborn blackheads, acne extraction performed by skilled dermatologists at our Bangkok acne clinic can significantly improve skin texture and clarity. However, after acne extraction, the skin might be slightly tender or swollen. It's crucial to follow our aftercare advice, such as avoiding direct sunlight, refraining from applying makeup for a short period, and using gentle skincare products recommended by our dermatologists. Keeping the skin clean and hydrated is also vital to support the healing process.
10What are the benefits of acne laser treatment?
Our acne laser treatment in Bangkok is a popular option for patients seeking a non-invasive solution to reduce inflammation, minimize scars, and promote healthy skin regeneration. This advanced treatment targets the deeper layers of the skin, effectively treating acne at its source without damaging the surrounding tissue. Acne laser treatment offers several benefits, including killing acne-causing bacteria and promoting collagen production for scar improvement. This treatment can provide a clearer complexion and is particularly beneficial for patients with persistent acne vulgaris that hasn't responded well to traditional treatments.
11What are the risks and side effects of acne laser treatment?
While acne laser treatment is generally safe, it can cause side effects such as temporary redness, swelling, and discomfort at the treatment site. In some cases, particularly with improper care or exposure to sunlight post-treatment, there's a risk of hyperpigmentation, or in rare cases, scarring.
12What are the aftercare practices after acne laser treatment?
Following acne laser treatment, protecting the skin from the sun is crucial to prevent hyperpigmentation. Patients at our Bangkok clinic are advised to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen, avoid direct sunlight, and follow a gentle skincare routine recommended by our dermatologists. Keeping the skin moisturized and avoiding harsh products is also essential to support healing.


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